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Alas, New Brunswick still has a long way to go.

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And although this extreme was never taken, it reflects how profoundly dangerous it was (and remains) to be gay in many countries and counties.

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Photos of queer intimacy remain rare � more so in Len and Cub�s day, given that queer love was technically punishable by death in the British Empire. Len�s favoured subject was ∼ub� Coates known, for his wolf-like persona, a constant companion of Keith even into the First World War. For despite the quality of the text presented, perhaps in a rather dry academic tone, the real gift of this handsome volume is the photographs, many of them taken by Len Keith, who got hold of a Kodak in 1905 and took pictures of people and things around him. The popular contemporary notion of �pictures, or it didn�t happen� was the reality for much of queer history, and what makes this book and the story of its conception so profound.

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